Wednesday, May 27, 2009

As if I would be gone tomorrow.

Be still heart. You feel too much.
Be still mind. You attempt to solve the impossible.
Be still life. You run me about in circles.
Be still. Be still. Be still.

The best is yet to come. That is what they told me once. It is all ahead of you, so bright, so full of possibilities. And now I have become plopped in the middle of it unsure of the end result, uncertain of my abilities to succeed. But still I press forward as hope gently nudges me from behind.

I don’t become introspective around this time of year as many people do. I am introspective all the time. I consider this next phase a year in advance, sometimes two, sometimes ten. Always considering. Always wondering. Yet, always living, not hindered by this daunting thing. This continual ending. A continual ending that only begins an unending thing. But that is no excuse to not live now, to not consider these moments as valuable, to not use this time wisely. This breakdown is continually building me up, encouraging me to push forward, to migliorarmi.

And I will live it, without any regrets, without any disappointments, without anything but love.

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