Sunny days that render smiles brings about this youthful feeling. It almost makes you think, maybe you aren’t growing old after all. Maybe you are growing young.
Timeless laughs with friends that live far away, but that live close to your heart, makes the physical distance seem insignificant. Oh, wait... it is.
What if they sold true happiness in a bottle? Would they name it Red Bull? Would they sell it for double the price in a convenient store than in the supermarket? I think they would. In fact, they do.
Do you think wearing headphones for 8.6 hours straight is detrimental to your hearing health? Even if you keep the volume down?...well, “down” most of the time anyway.
Have you ever tried to keep your eyes open for over one minute? Your eyes don’t like it all that much, they cry. Maybe you shouldn’t try it, never mind.
Playing air guitar just isn’t as good as playing the real thing. Guitar hero is close, but still not as good. Besides those little plastic buttons do nothing to help you build the necessary calluses to play for hours without stopping. Plastic is made to be recycled, period.
I’m procrastinating, and I like it. I probably won’t like it as much later on though. Oh well.
Buying a watch for yourself and telling the sales woman that it is a gift so that she will gift wrap it is a bad thing, or not? I just really like to open presents, what can I say.
Getting cigars at discount prices because you pretend to be ignorant and in need of advice is fun, especially if the cigar salesman ends up offering you one of your favorites. Call me a secret shopper, but I was just testing him; and well, that man knew his cigars.
It oddly annoys me when people collectively decide that they don’t like someone when they don’t know anything about them. Did they even talk to him? Did they even learn his story? I don’t think they did. I don’t think they cared. Judge quickly, fools; don’t love unconditionally, fine; but I don’t care what you think. They saw what they decided they wanted to see. A shame I say, he was kind.
I’m tired of the judgment of people. I have finally decided I don’t care what they think. If they want to learn me, they will, and if not, they won’t. I can’t change it. I don’t want to. I want to meet the people that want to listen, that will care, that will love- more than anything, love. And I find once again, that love is all that really matters. Oh, quiet heart, you have finally learned.