Monday, October 27, 2008

I did things a little differently today...

I decided to skip the 6-minute bus ride in order to take the 35-minute walk home instead. I blame it on the weather. How dare it be so beautiful! I didn’t rush, didn’t put headphones in, and didn’t call anyone. I just let myself walk, slow, just me and my thoughts. I began to remember so many things I had begun to forget, things I don’t want to forget. I enjoy reliving them, these simple memories. They have made me who I am. I think it is good for your mind to remember; but sometimes, it is good for your heart to forget, because regret hurts. It is easy enough to say you shouldn’t regret things, but much harder to do. Some mistakes you never forget, but there is still good that comes, because you learn from them. I find this introspection is both easy and difficult, yet refreshing. It is good to take time to look inside yourself, to discover something new that you didn’t see before. Today I discovered that, like wine, I am becoming better with time. When it comes to wine, they often say older years are usually better, but this current year has been the best "vintage year" of my life. :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

I can see so much more now that my eyes have fully opened...

We are tossed and turned on the waves of life; but hope will keep us afloat, and love will give us new-found strength.

Little by little, I feel the holes in my heart beginning to fill in. Needless to say, I haven't felt more whole as a person than I do right now.